local u = mw.ustring.char
-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly-used diacritics
local GRAVE = u(0x0300)
local ACUTE = u(0x0301)
local CIRC = u(0x0302)
local TILDE = u(0x0303)
local MACRON = u(0x0304)
local BREVE = u(0x0306)
local DOTABOVE = u(0x0307)
local DIAER = u(0x0308)
local CARON = u(0x030C)
local DGRAVE = u(0x030F)
local INVBREVE = u(0x0311)
local DOTBELOW = u(0x0323)
local RINGBELOW = u(0x0325)
local CEDILLA = u(0x0327)
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "sai-nmk"}
m["nac"] = {
names = {"Narak"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "ngf"}
m["nad"] = {
names = {"Nijadali"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "ngf"}
m["nag"] = {
names = {"Naga Pidgin", "Nagamese"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "crp"}
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names = {"Nahuatl"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
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scripts = {"Latn"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["nbd"] = {
names = {"Ngbinda"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "bnt"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Nagarchal"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "dra"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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names = {"Nggem"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Numana-Nunku-Gbantu-Numbu"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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family = "sgn"}
m["nbt"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nbv"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-ubg"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
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entry_name = {
from = {"Ā", "ā", "Ē", "ē", "Ī", "ī", "Ō", "ō", "Ū", "ū", "Ȳ", "ȳ"},
to = {"A", "a", "E", "e", "I", "i", "O", "o", "U", "u", "Y", "y"}} }
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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m["nck"] = {
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family = "aus-arn"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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names = {"Nambo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["ncr"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
m["ncs"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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m["ncz"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
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family = "gmw"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ned"] = {
names = {"Nde-Gbite"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Kumak"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-cln"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-cln"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ner"] = {
names = {"Yahadian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Bhoti Kinnauri"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Nete"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"Latn"},
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m["nfa"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nfd"] = {
names = {"Ahwai"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nfl"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
m["nga"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "alv"}
m["ngb"] = {
names = {"Northern Ngbandi"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-ubg"}
m["ngc"] = {
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m["ngd"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "bnt"}
m["nge"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
m["ngg"] = { -- compare 'aiy'
names = {"Ngbaka Manza"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
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m["ngi"] = {
names = {"Ngizim"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ngj"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["ngk"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["ngl"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ngm"] = {
names = {"Ngatik Men's Creole", "Ngatikese", "Ngatikese Pidgin", "Ngatikese Creole"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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m["ngn"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["ngo"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["ngp"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ngq"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ngr"] = {
names = {"Nagu"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-oce"}
m["ngs"] = {
names = {"Gvoko"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "cdc"}
m["ngt"] = {
names = {"Ngeq"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "mkh"}
m["ngu"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["ngv"] = {
names = {"Nagumi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ngw"] = {
names = {"Ngwaba"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ngx"] = {
names = {"Nggwahyi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ngy"] = {
names = {"Tibea"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ngz"] = {
names = {"Ngungwel"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nha"] = {
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "aus-psw"}
m["nhb"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nhd"] = {
names = {"Chiripá"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nhe"] = {
names = {"Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nhf"] = {
names = {"Nhuwala"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
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m["nhh"] = {
names = {"Nahari"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nhi"] = {
names = {"Zacatlán-Ahuacatlán-Tepetzintla Nahuatl"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nhk"] = {
names = {"Isthmus-Cosoleacaque Nahuatl"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nhm"] = {
names = {"Morelos Nahuatl"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nhn"] = {
names = {"Central Nahuatl"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nho"] = {
names = {"Takuu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-pol"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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m["nhq"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nhr"] = {
names = {"Naro"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nht"] = {
names = {"Ometepec Nahuatl"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nhu"] = {
names = {"Noone"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
m["nhv"] = {
names = {"Temascaltepec Nahuatl"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nhw"] = {
names = {"Western Huasteca Nahuatl"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nhx"] = {
names = {"Isthmus-Mecayapan Nahuatl"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nhy"] = {
names = {"Northern Oaxaca Nahuatl"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nhz"] = {
names = {"Santa María La Alta Nahuatl"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nia"] = {
names = {"Nias"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-nws"}
m["nib"] = {
names = {"Nakame"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["nid"] = {
names = {"Ngandi"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "ngf-fin"}
m["nig"] = {
names = {"Ngalakan"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "aus-gun"}
m["nih"] = {
names = {"Nyiha"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nii"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nij"] = {
names = {"Ngaju"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-brw"}
m["nik"] = {
names = {"Southern Nicobarese"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nil"] = {
names = {"Nila"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nim"] = {
names = {"Nilamba"},
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-pol"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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m["njd"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["njh"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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family = "qfa-und"}
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m["njl"] = {
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m["njm"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["njt"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nka"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nkb"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nkc"] = {
names = {"Nkongho"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nkd"] = {
names = {"Koireng"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nke"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["nkf"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nkg"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "ngf-fin"}
m["nkh"] = {
names = {"Khezha Naga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nki"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nkj"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nkk"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["nko"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nkp"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nkq"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nkr"] = {
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-pol"}
m["nks"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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family = "qfa-und"}
m["nla"] = {
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m["nle"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["nlg"] = {
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-sls"}
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scripts = {"None"},
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m["nlj"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nlk"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nll"] = {
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m["nlo"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nlq"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nlu"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nlv"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nlw"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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m["nlz"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["nmc"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nmd"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nme"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nmf"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nmg"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nmh"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nmi"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nmk"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
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m["nml"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
m["nmm"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nmn"] = {
names = {"ǃXóõ", "Xoo", "Taa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "qfa-tuu"}
m["nmo"] = {
names = {"Moyon Naga", "Moyon"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "tbq-kuk"}
m["nmp"] = {
names = {"Nimanbur"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nmq"] = {
names = {"Nambya"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nmr"] = {
names = {"Nimbari"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nms"] = {
names = {"Letemboi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["nmt"] = {
names = {"Namonuito"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-mic"}
m["nmu"] = {
names = {"Northeast Maidu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nai-mdu"}
m["nmv"] = {
names = {"Ngamini"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "aus-kar"}
m["nmw"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["nmy"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nmz"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nna"] = {
names = {"Nyangumarta"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnb"] = {
names = {"Nande"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnc"] = {
names = {"Nancere"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnd"] = {
names = {"West Ambae"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["nne"] = {
names = {"Ngandyera"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnf"] = {
names = {"Ngaing"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "ngf-fin"}
m["nng"] = {
names = {"Maring Naga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnh"] = {
names = {"Ngiemboon"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "bai"}
m["nni"] = {
names = {"North Nuaulu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnj"] = {
names = {"Nyangatom"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnk"] = {
names = {"Nankina"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "ngf-fin"}
m["nnl"] = {
names = {"Northern Rengma Naga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnm"] = {
names = {"Namia"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnn"] = {
names = {"Ngete"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnp"] = {
names = {"Wancho"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnq"] = {
names = {"Ngindo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnr"] = {
names = {"Narungga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nns"] = {
names = {"Ningye"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnt"] = {
names = {"Nanticoke"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "alg"}
m["nnu"] = {
names = {"Dwang"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnv"] = {
names = {"Nukunu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnw"] = {
names = {"Southern Nuni"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnx"] = {
names = {"Ngong"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nny"] = {
names = {"Nyangga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nnz"] = {
names = {"Nda'nda'"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "bai"}
m["noa"] = {
names = {"Woun Meu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["noc"] = {
names = {"Nuk"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "ngf-fin"}
m["nod"] = {
names = {"Northern Thai"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Lana"},
family = "tai-swe"}
m["noe"] = {
names = {"Nimadi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nof"] = {
names = {"Nomane"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nog"] = {
names = {"Nogai"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Cyrl"},
family = "trk"}
m["noh"] = {
names = {"Nomu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["noi"] = {
names = {"Noiri"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "inc"}
m["noj"] = {
names = {"Nonuya"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nol"] = {
names = {"Nomlaki"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-wtq"}
m["nom"] = {
names = {"Nocamán"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-pan"}
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names = {"Old Norse", "Old Icelandic", "Old Norwegian"}, -- note: Old Swedish and Old Danish have their own codes
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "gmq"}
m["nop"] = {
names = {"Numanggang"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "ngf-fin"}
m["noq"] = {
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nos"] = {
names = {"Eastern Nisu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["not"] = {
names = {"Nomatsiguenga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "awd"}
m["nou"] = {
names = {"Ewage-Notu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nov"] = {
names = {"Novial"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "art"}
m["now"] = {
names = {"Nyambo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["noy"] = {
names = {"Noy"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["noz"] = {
names = {"Nayi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["npa"] = {
names = {"Nar Phu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["npb"] = {
names = {"Nupbikha"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "tbq"}
m["nph"] = {
names = {"Phom"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["npl"] = {
names = {"Southeastern Puebla Nahuatl"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["npn"] = {
names = {"Mondropolon"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-aay"}
m["npo"] = {
names = {"Pochuri Naga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nps"] = {
names = {"Nipsan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["npu"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["npy"] = {
names = {"Napu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nqg"] = {
names = {"Ede Nago"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nqk"] = {
names = {"Kura Ede Nago"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nqm"] = {
names = {"Ndom"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nqn"] = {
names = {"Nen"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nqo"] = {
names = {"N'Ko"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Nkoo"},
family = "dmn"}
m["nqq"] = {
names = {"Kyan-Karyaw Naga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nra"] = {
names = {"Ngom"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nrb"] = {
names = {"Nara"},
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scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nrc"] = {
names = {"Noric"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Southern Rengma Naga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nrg"] = {
names = {"Narango"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["nri"] = {
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type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nrk"] = {
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scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "aus-nga"}
m["nrl"] = {
names = {"Ngarluma"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "aus-nga"}
m["nrm"] = {
names = {"Narom"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-swa"}
m["nrn"] = {
names = {"Norn"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "gmq"}
m["nrp"] = {
names = {"North Picene"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nrr"] = {
names = {"Norra"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nrt"] = {
names = {"Northern Kalapuya"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nru"] = {
names = {"Narua"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "tbq"}
m["nrx"] = {
names = {"Ngurmbur"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nrz"] = {
names = {"Lala"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["nsa"] = {
names = {"Sangtam Naga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nsc"] = {
names = {"Nshi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nsd"] = {
names = {"Southern Nisu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nse"] = {
names = {"Nsenga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nsg"] = {
names = {"Ngasa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sdv"}
m["nsh"] = {
names = {"Ngoshie"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
m["nsi"] = {
names = {"Nigerian Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["nsk"] = {
names = {"Naskapi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nsl"] = {
names = {"Norwegian Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["nsm"] = {
names = {"Sema"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nsn"] = {
names = {"Nehan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-ocw"}
m["nso"] = {
names = {"Northern Sotho"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "bnt"}
m["nsp"] = {
names = {"Nepalese Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["nsq"] = {
names = {"Northern Sierra Miwok"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-you"}
m["nsr"] = {
names = {"Maritime Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["nss"] = {
names = {"Nali"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-aay"}
m["nst"] = {
names = {"Tangsa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
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names = {"Sierra Negra Nahuatl"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nsv"] = {
names = {"Southwestern Nisu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nsw"] = {
names = {"Navut"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["nsx"] = {
names = {"Nsongo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nsy"] = {
names = {"Nasal"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nsz"] = {
names = {"Nisenan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nai-mdu"}
m["nte"] = {
names = {"Nathembo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ntg"] = {
names = {"Ngantangarra"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nti"] = {
names = {"Natioro"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ntj"] = {
names = {"Ngaanyatjarra"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "aus-pam"}
m["ntk"] = {
names = {"Ikoma"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ntm"] = {
names = {"Nateni"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nto"] = {
names = {"Ntomba"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "bnt"}
m["ntp"] = {
names = {"Northern Tepehuan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc"}
m["ntr"] = {
names = {"Delo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nts"] = {
names = {"Natagaimas"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ntu"] = {
names = {"Natügu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-oce"}
m["ntw"] = {
names = {"Nottoway"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "iro"}
m["nty"] = {
names = {"Mantsi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["ntz"] = {
names = {"Natanzi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nua"] = {
names = {"Yuaga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-cln"}
m["nuc"] = {
names = {"Nukuini"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nud"] = {
names = {"Ngala"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nue"] = {
names = {"Ngundu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nuf"] = {
names = {"Nusu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nug"] = {
names = {"Nungali"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nuh"] = {
names = {"Ndunda"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
m["nui"] = {
names = {"Ngumbi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nuj"] = {
names = {"Nyole"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nuk"] = {
names = {"Nootka", "Nuu-chah-nulth", "Nuuchahnulth", "T'aat'aaqsapa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "wak"}
m["nul"] = {
names = {"Nusa Laut"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["num"] = {
names = {"Niuafo'ou"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "poz-pol"}
m["nun"] = {
names = {"Anong", "Nung"}, -- also mistakenly assigned the name "Ayi" by the ISO
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "tbq"}
m["nuo"] = {
names = {"Nguôn"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "mkh-vie"}
m["nup"] = {
names = {"Nupe", "Nupe-Nupe-Tako"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "alv-von"}
m["nuq"] = {
names = {"Nukumanu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-pol"}
m["nur"] = {
names = {"Nuguria", "Nukuria"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-pol"}
m["nus"] = {
names = {"Nuer"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sdv"}
m["nut"] = {
names = {"Nung"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "tai"}
m["nuu"] = {
names = {"Ngbundu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nuv"] = {
names = {"Northern Nuni"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nuw"] = {
names = {"Nguluwan"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nux"] = {
names = {"Mehek"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nuy"] = {
names = {"Nunggubuyu", "Wubuy"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "aus-arn"}
m["nuz"] = {
names = {"Tlamacazapa Nahuatl"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "azc-nah"}
m["nvh"] = {
names = {"Nasarian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz-vnc"}
m["nvm"] = {
names = {"Namiae"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nvo"] = {
names = {"Nyokon"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "nic-bod"}
m["nwa"] = {
names = {"Nawathinehena"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "alg"}
m["nwb"] = {
names = {"Nyabwa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nwc"] = {
names = {"Classical Newari"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nwe"] = {
names = {"Ngwe"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "bai"}
m["nwi"] = {
names = {"Southwest Tanna"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nwm"] = {
names = {"Nyamusa-Molo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nwo"] = {
names = {"Nauo", "Nawo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "aus-pam"}
m["nwr"] = {
names = {"Nawaru"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nwx"] = {
names = {"Middle Newar"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nwy"] = {
names = {"Nottoway-Meherrin"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "iro"}
m["nxa"] = {
names = {"Nauete"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "poz"}
m["nxd"] = {
names = {"Longandu", "Ngando (Democratic Republic of the Congo)", "Ngando"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "bnt"}
m["nxe"] = {
names = {"Nage"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "plf"}
m["nxg"] = {
names = {"Ngad'a"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "plf"}
m["nxi"] = {
names = {"Nindi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nxl"] = {
names = {"South Nuaulu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nxm"] = {
names = {"Numidian"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nxn"] = {
names = {"Ngawun"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "aus-pam"}
m["nxq"] = {
names = {"Naxi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "tbq"}
m["nxr"] = {
names = {"Ninggerum"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nxu"] = {
names = {"Narau"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nxx"] = {
names = {"Nafri"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyb"] = {
names = {"Nyangbo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyc"] = {
names = {"Nyanga-li"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyd"] = {
names = {"Nyore"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nye"] = {
names = {"Nyengo"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyf"] = {
names = {"Giryama"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyg"] = {
names = {"Nyindu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyh"] = {
names = {"Nyigina"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyi"] = {
names = {"Nyimang"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyj"] = {
names = {"Nyanga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyk"] = {
names = {"Nyaneka"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyl"] = {
names = {"Nyeu"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "mkh"}
m["nym"] = {
names = {"Nyamwezi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyn"] = {
names = {"Nyankole"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "bnt"}
m["nyo"] = {
names = {"Nyoro"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyp"] = {
names = {"Nyang'i"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyq"] = {
names = {"Nayini"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyr"] = {
names = {"Shinyiha", "Nyiha"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nys"] = {
names = {"Nyunga", "Noongar", "Nyuunga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "aus-pam"}
m["nyt"] = {
names = {"Nyawaygi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyu"] = {
names = {"Nyungwe"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyv"] = {
names = {"Nyulnyul"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyw"] = {
names = {"Nyaw"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nyx"] = {
names = {"Nganyaywana"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "aus-cww"}
m["nyy"] = {
names = {"Nyakyusa"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nza"] = {
names = {"Tigon Mbembe"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nzb"] = {
names = {"Njebi"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nzi"] = {
names = {"Nzima"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nzk"] = {
names = {"Nzakara"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"Latn"},
family = "znd"}
m["nzm"] = {
names = {"Zeme Naga"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nzs"] = {
names = {"New Zealand Sign Language"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "sgn"}
m["nzu"] = {
names = {"Teke-Nzikou"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nzy"] = {
names = {"Nzakambay"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-und"}
m["nzz"] = {
names = {"Nanga Dama Dogon"},
type = "regular",
scripts = {"None"},
family = "qfa-dgn"}
return m