Sû-thâu sek-ín
- saari
- sabotage your own progress
- safety
- sakit jantung
- sakong
- saksa
- sakset
- sala
- saliva
- salle
- salt
- salto
- salı
- sam-kài-niû-á
- samedi
- sanakirja
- sand
- sandía
- sang
- sanger
- sango
- sangre
- sangue
- sanguis
- sao Thủy
- sap-bûn
- sat-bó
- saturno
- saudara laki-laki
- sauðfé
- sauðkind
- sauður
- saⁿ-kak-kî
- saⁿ-kha-tu
- saⁿ-thu̍t-lō͘
- saⁿ-á-keng
- schaap
- schaar
- schapen
- schoolmate
- schuim
- science
- scissors
- screwdriver
- sculpture
- se-bí-loh
- se-phî
- sea bear
- sea cow
- seahorse
- secrétaire général
- section
- security
- sedef hastalığı
- sedimentary rock
- see
- seed
- segment
- segunda-feira
- sei whale
- selatan
- select
- sell
- semangka
- semen
- semut
- send
- seng
- seng-bu̍t
- sense
- sensory system
- sentido
- serpe
- serpens
- serpent
- serpente
- serpiente
- service
- set the world on fire
- set theory
- settle
- seulement
- sexuality
- sexually transmitted disease
- seyður
- seⁿ-thoàⁿ hē-thóng
- shaddock
- shark
- sheep
- sheng
- ship
- shop
- should
- show
- si-koe
- sian-chháu
- sian-siⁿ
- sian-thô
- siano
- siat-chuh
- siat-sú
- side
- significado
- signification
- significato
- silmä
- silver
- sim-chōng-pēⁿ
- similar in most aspects
- sin
- sin-bûn-chóa
- sin-lâng
- sin-nî
- sin-thé
- sin hoat-bêng ê iōng-sû
- sincerely yield to another's superiority
- singer
- sininen
- sinir sistemi
- sinnvoll
- sinse
- siraw
- sistem integumen
- sistem kardiovaskular
- sistem pernafasan
- sistem reproduksi
- sistem saraf
- sistema auditivo
- sistema circulatorio
- sistema circulatório
- sistema integumentario
- sistema nervioso
- sistema nervoso
- sistema olfativo
- sistema respiratorio
- sistema respiratório
- sistema sensorial
- sistema tegumentar
- sistemang nerbiyos
- sisälmys
- sit-sū
- situation
- siu-kiaⁿ
- sivrisinek
- siyensiya
- siàu-kak-tūi
- siàu-toaⁿ
- siáu-kúi-á-khak
- sió-ha̍k
- sió-seng
- sió-tòaⁿ
- siūⁿ-poe
- si̍t-thé
- skeleta sistemo
- skeletal system
- skeleton in the closet
- sker
- skin
- sky
- skær
- skóra
- slang
- slange
- slavery
- slechts
- sleep
- small intestine
- smallpox
- smoke
- snack
- snail
- snake
- sng-sò·
- snow
- snow bear
- snow monkey
- snákur
- so
- soaⁿ
- socialism
- society
- sociology
- sock
- soda water
- sofa
- soft drink
- software
- soil
- sol
- solamente
- solar system
- sole
- soleil
- solitario
- solo
- solve
- somatosensory system
- some
- something
- sommer
- son
- soogdier
- soon
- sopir becak
- sorcio
- sorghum
- sort
- soul
- soul music
- sound
- sound recording
- souris
- south
- sozinho
- soán-kí
- spade
- species
- spectrum
- speech
- speed
- spektri
- spektro
- spektrum
- spend
- spendýr
- sperm
- sperm whale
- spermatozoon
- spider
- spier
- spinach
- spira sistemo
- spirit
- spokój
- sports exercise field
- spot-billed pelican
- spouse
- spraak
- spring
- sprog
- squeeze
- ssak
- standard
- stanza
- star
- star anise
- star glory
- start
- state
- statistics
- status
- stawonogi
- steal
- stepladder
- sterol
- stikmyg
- stikstof
- stilte
- stomach
- stomachus
- stomaco
- stomako
- stopa
- store
- story
- strike while the iron is hot
- string instrument
- strive
- stroke
- strong nuclear force
- strong point
- study
- style
- styre
- su
- su-sióng
- sub-
- subject
- submission
- sud
- sudenkorento
- sudo
- sugar
- sui-jiân
- suku
- sul
- sulfur
- sun
- suno
- suomen kieli
- suomi
- support
- suppose
- sur
- surya
- susu
- susu sapi
- suurstof
- swan goose
- sweet osmanthus
- swike
- sword
- symphony
- synd
- syntax
- synti
- syphilis
- system
- système auditif
- système nerveux
- système respiratoire
- système sensoriel
- système tégumentaire
- système visuel
- sách bách khoa
- sái-lōng
- sán-khùi
- sääski
- sæhestur
- sè-choh
- sèng-chit
- sì-siù-á
- sìn-gióng
- sí-bông
- sî-kè-kó
- sîn-keng hē-thóng
- sòaⁿ-kang
- sò·-kó
- sò͘-bûn
- sò͘-si̍t