Tsú-iàu kong-khai ji̍t-kì
Ha̍p-pìng hián-sī sóo-ū Wiktionary tang-tiong sóo-ū luī-pia̍t ê ji̍t-tsì. Lí ē-tàng tiám-suán ē-la-sik suán-tuann suán-ti̍k ji̍t-tsì ê luī-pia̍t. Tsí-tīng iōng-tsiá-miâ (khu-piat tuā-suè-siá) ia̍h-sī íng-hióng ê ia̍h (mā-sī khu-piat tuā-suè-siá).
- 2015-nî 6-goe̍h 2-ji̍t (pài-jī) 17:04 Aldnonymous thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā iōng-chiá Akateljkt (0 pái pian-chi̍p) kái-miâ pìⁿ StGun (w:id:Special:diff/9435439)
- 2015-nî 3-goe̍h 4-ji̍t (pài-saⁿ) 21:55 Aldnonymous thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn 凍酸 thâi tiāu (Requested by the author (global sysop action))
- 2015-nî 3-goe̍h 4-ji̍t (pài-saⁿ) 21:55 Aldnonymous thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn 塗埆厝 thâi tiāu (Requested by the author (global sysop action))
- 2015-nî 3-goe̍h 4-ji̍t (pài-saⁿ) 21:55 Aldnonymous thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn 椅座仔 thâi tiāu (Requested by the author (global sysop action))
- 2015-nî 3-goe̍h 4-ji̍t (pài-saⁿ) 21:55 Aldnonymous thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn 正蕃鴨 thâi tiāu (Requested by the author (global sysop action))
- 2015-nî 3-goe̍h 4-ji̍t (pài-saⁿ) 21:55 Aldnonymous thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn 細細唸 thâi tiāu (Requested by the author (global sysop action))
- 2015-nî 3-goe̍h 4-ji̍t (pài-saⁿ) 21:52 Aldnonymous thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn 錢 tsînn thâi tiāu (Empty (global sysop action))
- 2015-nî 3-goe̍h 4-ji̍t (pài-saⁿ) 21:52 Aldnonymous thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn 雄雄徬徬 thâi tiāu (Empty (global sysop action))
- 2015-nî 3-goe̍h 4-ji̍t (pài-saⁿ) 21:52 Aldnonymous thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn 雨胿 thâi tiāu (Empty (global sysop action))
- 2013-nî 8-goe̍h 5-ji̍t (pài-it) 13:37 已自動建立使用者帳號 Aldnonymous thó-lūn kòng-hiàn